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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Deck the Reindeers

haven't posted up here in my "online apartment" in a while. things have been Crazy Hectic Chaotic Busy to say the very least.

If you really want to stay "updated" on my "activities", wow, how egotistical is that statement, eh? Then go on Facebook, where I post semi-frequent updates via web and mobile. Zuckerberg, I'm after you....

FYI, some slightly old but still relevant news on top of my typical Hollywood news,
I got into Harvard. For grad school.

I'm doing my masters thru their distance extension program. Meaning I only am required to be on campus for 2 classes per annum for the first 3 yrs (which I will likely do in the summer). My senior yr I will move to Boston for 1 yr. Then back to LA. The rest of my courseload for 3 yrs I do thru distance mail correspondance and online. I feel so blessed I got in because I am going to be able to do both my dreams simultaneously : Harvard And Hollywood.

Happy Fucking Holidays everyone. Please don't go out and buy a lot of useless shit.

Make some original and thoughtful creation instead to show those you love you actually remember the things they say and do.

in the meantime, enjoy this (thank you to Humberto Dellamorte for the photo and link):

Vivimos en un mundo materialista donde el dinero es sinón

imo de “deuda”. “Una rata descuidada se había dejado invadir por la sarna. Hacía ya tanto tiempo que el mal la aquejaba, que su picazón le parecía normal. Como le daba flojera observarse a sí misma, se dedicó a criticar a sus congéneres. Por ese solo hecho se sintió Maestra. “¡Nadie hace algo por superarse! ¡Mi raza está en decadencia! ¡Debo ayudar al mundo!”… Entre los roedores más jóvenes, encontró fervientes discípulos. Mientras se hacía traer queso gratis, les enseñaba “cómo progresar”. A medida que los jóvenes adquirían conocimientos de su Maestra, también atraparon su sarna. ¡Furiosos la expulsaron! La “Maestra” volvió a su guarida y desde allí se dedicó a insultar al mundo que no había querido aceptar sus consejos salvadores.”

El trabajo interno requiere esfuerzos dolorosos que muchos no están dispuestos a efectuar. Corregir las desviaciones de nuestros pensamientos, emociones y deseos, requiere una dedicación constante. Algunos seres, por pereza o por miedo a enfrentar sus propios fantasmas y hábitos negativos, antes de ayudarse a ellos mismos quieren ayudar a los otros. ¿Qué ayuda pueden dar con una mente contaminada?.. También, en tanto que colectividad, por muy necesitados que estemos, debemos verificar cuidadosamente quién es el organismo o país que nos ofrece su ayuda en forma de préstamo. Tal vez por aceptar lo que “generosamente” nos otorga, a causa de la deuda seamos explotados -darle en pago nuestros productos a precios ridículos- y además atrapar su sistema sarnoso. Un sano mendrugo de pan vale más que un aromático guiso envenenado.

> We live in a materialistic world where money is synonymous with debt. ""A rat had been left neglected invaded by scabies. It had been so longthat the badly afflicted that his itching seemed normal. As I was too lazy to observe itself, began to criticize their peers. For that alone he wasMaster. "Nobody does something to overcome! My race is in decline! Ihelp the world! "... Among the younger rodents, found ardent disciples.While cheese is made to bring free, taught them how to move forward. "As young people acquired their knowledge of their Master, also caughthis mange. Furious was expelled! The "Master" returned to his den andfrom there he devoted himself to insult the world that had refused toaccept their advice saviors. "

The internal work requires painful efforts that many are willing to make.Correct deviations from our thoughts, emotions and desires, requires a continuing commitment. Some beings, out of laziness or fear of facingtheir own fears and bad habits before they want to help themselves tohelp others. What help can come up with a defiled mind? .. Also, as acommunity, no matter how needy we are, we check carefully who is theorganization or country that offers its assistance in the form of loan.Perhaps accepting that "generously" gives us, because we aredebt-exploited in return give our products at ridiculous prices, and alsocatch his mangy system. A healthy piece of bread is better than afragrant stew poisoned."

-Alejandro Jodorowsky

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Monday, November 15, 2010


I had an art showing of some of my artwork about a week ago, and spontaneously decided to be the canvas for a group of talented artists.....

credit to Los Angeles South Bay artist crew Belen Hernandez, Dave Vernon, & Shaun Singer.

Photographer credit to Irvin Rivera

Location: Hollywood


a segment from Moliere's "The Misanthrope"

on the battle of digging deeper past the surface, vs. taking all "as is".....


In this regard there's none I'd choose to spare
All are corrupt; there's nothing to be seen
In court or town but aggravates my spleen.
I fall into deep gloom and melancholy
When I survey th scene of human folly
Finding on every hand base flattery,
Injustice, fraud, self-interest, treachery...
Ah, it's too much; mankind has grown so base,
I mean to break with the whole human race.


This philosophic rage is a bit extreme;
You've no idea how comical you seem;
Indeed, we're like those brothers in the play
Called School for Husbands, one of whom was prey...


Enough, now! None of your stupid similies.


Then let's have no more tirades, if you please
The world won't change, whatever you say or do;
And since plain speaking means so much to you,
I'll tell you plainly that by being frank
You've earned the reputation of a crank,
And that you're thought ridiculous when you rage
And rant agains the manners of the age.


So much the better; just what I wish to hear.
No news could be more pleasant to my ear.
All men are so despicable in my eyes,
I should be sorry if they thought me wise.


You're hatred's very sweeping, is it not?


Quite right; I hate the whole degraded lot.


Must all poor human creatures be embraced,
Without distinction, by your vast distaste?
Even in these bad times, there are surely a few...


No, I include all men in one dim view;
Some men I hate for being rogues like brothers,
And, lacking a virtuous scorn for what is vile,
Receive the villain with a complaisant smile.
Notice how tolerant people choose to be
Toward the bold rascal who's at law with me.
His social polish can't conceal his nature;
One sees at once that he's a treacherous creature;
No one could possibly be taken in
By those soft speeches and their sugary grin.
The whole world knows tha shady means by which
The low-brow's grown so powerful and rich,
And risen to a rank so bright and high
What virtue can but blush, and merit sigh.
Whenever his name comes up in conversation,

None will defend his wretched reputation;
Call him knave, liar, scoundrel, and all the rest,
Each head will nod, and no one will protest.
And yet his smirk is seen in every house,
He's greeted eerywhere with smiels and bows,
And when there's any honor that can be got
By pulling strings, he'll get it, like as not.
My God! It chills my heart to see the ways
men come to terms with evil nowadays;
Sometimes, I swear, I'm moved to fee and find
Some desert land unfouled by humankind.


Come, let's forget the follies of the times
And pardon mankind for its petty crimes;
Let's have an end of rantings and of railings,
And show some leniency toward human failings.
This world requires a pliant rectitude;
Too stern a virtue makes one stiff and rude;
Good sense views all extremes with detestation;
And bids us to be noble in moderation.
The rigid virtues of the ancient days
Are not for us; they jar with all our ways
And ask of us too lofty a perfection.
Wise men accept their times without objection,
And there's no greater folly, if you ask me,
Than trying to reform society.
Like you, I see each day a hundred and one
Unhandsome deeds that might be better done,
But still, for all the faults that meet my view,
I'm never known to storm and rave like you
I take men as they are, or let them be,
And teach my soul to bear their frailty;
And whether in court or town, whatever the scene,
My phlegm's as philosophic as your spleen.


The phlegm which you so eloquently commend,
Does nothing ever rile it up, my friend?
Suppose some man you trust should treacherously
Conspire to rob you of your property,
And do his best to wreck your reputation?
Wouldn't you feel a certain indignation?


Why, no. These faults of which you so complain
Are part of human nature, I maintain,
And it's no more a matter for disgust
That men are knavish, selfish and unjust,
Than that the vulture dines upon the dead,
And wolves are furious, and apes ill-bred.


Shall I see myself betrayed, robbed, torn to bits,
And not...Oh, let's be still and rest our wits.
Enough of reasoning, now. I've had my fill.


On jealousy, love, affection, being admired, and the catch-22 of the entire situation...from both perspectives:


Shall I speak plainly, Madam? I confess
Your conduct gives me infinite distress,
And my resentment's grown too hot to smother.
Soon, I forsee, we'll break with one another.
If I said otherwise, I should deceive you;
Sooner or later, I shall be forced to leave you.
And if I swore that we shall never part,
I should misread the omens of my heart.


You kindly saw me home, it would appear,
So as to pour invectives in my ear.


I've no desire to quarrel. But I deplore
Your inability to shut the door
On all these suitors who beset you so.
There's what annoys me, if you care to know.


Is it my fault that all these men pursue me?
And I to blame if they're attracted to me?
And when they gently beg an audience,
Ought I to take a stick and drive them hence?


Madam, there's no necessity for a stick;
A less responsive heart would do the trick.
Of your attractiveness I don't complain;
But those your charms attract, you then detain
By a most melting and receptive manner,
And so enlist their hearts beneath your banner.
It's the agreeable hopes which you excite
That keep these lovers round you day and night;
Were they less liberally smiled upon,
That sighing troop would very soon be gone.
But tell me, Madam, why is it that lately
This man Clitandre interests you so greatly?
Because of what high merits do you deem
Him worthy of the honor of your esteem?
Is it that your admiring glances linger
On the splendidly long nail of his little finger?
Or do I take a stick and drive them hence?


Madam, there's no necessity for a stick;
A less responsive heart would do the trick.
Of your attractiveness I don't complain;
But those your charms attract, you then detain
By a most melting and receptive manner,
And so enlist their hearts beneath your banner,
It's the agreeable hopes which you excite
That keep these lovers round you day and night;
Were they less liberally smiled upon,
That sighing troop would very soon be gone.
But tell me, Madam, why it is that lately
This man Clitandre interests you so greatly?
Because of what high merits do you deem
Him worthy of the honor of your esteem?
Is it that your admiring glances linger
On the splendidly long nail of his little finger?
Or do you share the general deep respect
For the blond wig he chooses to affect?
Are you in love with his embroidered hose?
Do you adore his ribbons and his bows?
Or is it that this paragon bewitches
Your tasteful eye with his vast German breeches?
Perhaps his giggle, or his falsetto voice,
Makes him the latest gallant of your choice?


You're much mistaken to resent him so.
Why I put up with him you surely know:
My lawsuit's very shortly to be tried,
And I must have his influence on my side.


Then lose your lawsuit, Madam, or let it drop;
Don't torture me by humoring such a fop.


You're jealous of the whole world, Sir.


That's true,

Since the whole world is well-received by you.


That my good nature is so unconfined
Should serve to pacify your jealous mind;
Were I to smile on one, and scorn the rest,
Then you might have some cause to be distressed.


Well, if I mustn't be jealous, tell me, then,
Just how I'm better treated than other men.


You know you have my love. Will that not do?


What proof have I that what you say is true?


I would expect, Sir, that my having said it
Might give the statement a sufficient credit.


But how can I be sure that you don't tell
The selfsame thing to other men as well?


What a gallant speech! How flattering to me!
What a sweet creature you make me out to be!
Well then, to save you from the pangs of doubt,
All that I've said I hereby cancel out;
Now, none but yourself shall make a monkey of you;
Are you content?


Why, why am I doomed to love you?
I swear that I shall bless the blissful hour
When this poor heart's no longer in your power!
I make no secret of it; I've done my best
To exorcise this passion from my breast;
But thus far all in vain; it will not go;
It's for my sins that I must love you so.


Your love for me is matchless, Sir; that's clear.


Indeed, in all the world it has no peer;
Words can't describe the nature of my passion,
And no man ever loved in such a fashion.


Yes, it's a brand new fashion, I agree:
You show your love by castigating me;
And all your speeches are enraged and rude,
I've never been so furiously wooed.


Yet you could calm that fury, if you chose.
Come, shall we bring our quarrels to a close?
Let's speak with open hearts, then, and begin...

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Only when you have understood the weaknesses of a particular system can you claim you have understood it. Define that which if absent, would make the entire structure collapse and you have mastered the pattern.

People operate the same way.

In martial arts, determining your opponent's weakness (es) is what will win you the battle. Strength, speed, training, all of these are not nearly as important as this one key point.

People are machines. They are organic constructs, they are flawed, they have chinks.

Uproot and discover a person's Achilles' heel and you can get them to do anything you want, get anything you want from them. As the world system is comprised of people, decision-makers, gate-keepers, those in ultimate power, find them, target them, decipher them, push every button to keep them aware you know their darkest truth, and play the world as your theatre.

Puppetmasters are only able to control puppets because between each separation of wood, there is a break.

Why share this information with you? Is it not counter-intuitive to strategical planning?

No, you are mistaken.

Whilst you have just read this tiny blurb of a thought, I've just demonstrated an example of puppeteering-something in here grabbed you and you succumbed to it.

Don't worry, don't think about it too much. It's just bullshit, right?


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Maktub, the arabic phrase meaning "It Is Written".

Re: my previous post, to skeptics, cynics and most academics, this statement would hold no real value in their lives, which are lives based on order, rules and see-able "facts". A statement as that would seem too new-agey and philosophical to hold ground.

It is then delusional to have faith in a spiritual truth, a higher awareness of the greater pull of a force more intricate and powerful than anything explainable? In some perceptions, yes, it can be considered a delusion.

But there is a very clear, marked difference between the spiritual, the egocentric, the deluded, the pure, and the corrupt.

It is also ironic that nature and spirituality are constantly grouped together, whilst man and man's world are marked as separate. Nature Is Man, as is the Spirit, there is No separation of the two. It's only in this systemic thinking, where vulnerability, kindness and openness are viewed as weaknesses, that nature must be separate from man and that man must be separate from the spirit.

The bond between man and horse for example, illustrates the purity of nature. No manipulation. No ulterior motives. No mind games.

If you come across people in life that you can equate your bond to the way that you would bond with an animal, they are pure, they are the Unicorn.

Beware of that which deviates from this harmony. That is one of the key litmus tests of delusion.


A mass of delusions, amongst a mass of delusioned beings.

I've met just about every sort this past year. Indeed my life always brings to my attention
the heap of these delusionals, who always think, no matter how absolutely ridiculous
they or their theories are, that they are Correct, that they are Supreme Beings.


Mortal nitwits boasting about their superior powers. These supposed "immortals"
who when I've put them to the test, each one of them Bleeds.

It'd be quite something to film each and every "god" I've met this past year. Ones obsessed with decoding "secret" information in books, others who are certain in their Sun Tzu military strategical prowess (and can barely even handle a simple AK-47 lolololol), ones who drain the energy out of people with forming cults, ones who are convinced they are "the one", ones who are the creative "geniuses" yet in their grandiose genius are far too arrogant to acknowledge the greatness of others before them...oh the list goes on and on.

This is not to say I am not one of such deluded beings. Oh I have my own megalomania and my own revolution and my own chess battle going on. I am very self aware with just how deeply my ego dictates my life, I'm aware of how insane I appear and sound. Am I different from all these other poser demi-gods? That's for others to decide for themselves. I just know I support the individual with my army-I do not have mindless followers who must worship me-each is unique, and I support always questioning everything, including the self. Any fool who claims ultimate confidence with their vision is a sure sign of pure deluded nuttiness. It's the goat who believes it's a tiger. A lost child, a stray from the pack, an unaccepted being. It's sad, mainly, that their lack of acceptance has driven them into such labyrinths that they are unable to see themselves in the mirror. It is just a tragedy for their parents, but of course, these oh-so-superior ones, they have no parents because they weren't "born", they were "created" lmfao.

You have fuckin' superpowers? Great! Awesome! I full heartedly believe in the possibility.
Just prove your worth is all. Stop talking that yada yada blah.

Make a lightning storm happen. Cause an earthquake. Create an electromagnetic force field.

Can they? Nope. Every last one has excuse after excuse after logical explanation (of bullshit).

I play along sometimes, sometimes I play dumb, sometimes I pretend to support their revolution.

It's really not worth the effort of breaking them down piece by piece and showing them the absolute nonsense of themselves. Let each be as each wants to be, delusion is a life choice and all beings have the inherent will to decide what to believe.

Really though it's a hilarious episode of Einstein's quote being proven time and time again:

"there are only two things which are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, though I'm not too sure about the former."

Friday, October 15, 2010



I told ya
I told ya
I told ya
Uh, uh
I told ya, baby
I told ya, baby
I told ya, baby
I told ya, baby
I told ya, baby
I told ya

Got up in the club
Posted in the back
Feeling so good
Looking so bad

Rocking this skirt
Rocking this club
Got my middle finger up
I don't really give a fuck

Rocking these diamonds
I'm rocking this chain
Make sure you get a picture
I'm rocking my fame

To be what you is
You gotta be what you are
The only thing I'm missing
Is a black guitar

I'm a rockstar
Hey baby
I'm a rockstar
Hey baby

Big city
Bright lights
Sleep all day
Up all night

Hey baby
I'm a rockstar
Hey baby
I'm a rockstar

Hey baby its..
Big cities
And bright lights
Sleep all day
Up all nights

Baby I'm a
Oh, baby I'm a
Oh, baby I'm a
Oh, baby I'm a
Oh, baby I'm a
Oh, baby I'm a
Oh, baby I'm a
Oh, baby I'm a
Hey, hey, hey

Six inch walker
Big shit talker
I never play the victim
I'd rather be a stalker

So baby take me in
I'll disobey the law
Make sure you frisk me good
Check my panties and my bra

Wildn out
A crazy house
With my white jacket on
Wont you come
And sign me out

To be what you is
You gotta be what you are
The only thing I'm missing
Is a black guitar

I'm a rockstar
Hey baby
I'm a rockstar
Hey baby

Big city
Bright lights
Sleep all day
Up all night

Hey baby
I'm a rockstar
Hey baby
I'm a rockstar

Hey baby its..
Big cities
And bright lights
Sleep all day
Up all nights

Baby I'm a
Oh, baby I'm a
Oh, baby I'm a
Oh, baby I'm a
Oh, baby I'm a
Oh, baby I'm a
Oh, baby I'm a
Oh, baby I'm a
Hey, hey, hey

I'm rocking out tonight
Cause I cant wait till tomorrow
I'm a live my whole life
In the night
Cause I ain't got time to borrow
I'm rocking out tonight
Why wait till tomorrow
I'm a live my whole life
In the night

I'm a rockstar
Hey baby
I'm a rockstar
Hey baby

Big city
Bright lights
Sleep all day
Up all night

Hey baby
I'm a rockstar
Hey baby
I'm a rockstar

Hey baby its..
Big cities
And bright lights
Sleep all day
Up all nights

Baby I'm a
Oh, baby I'm a
Oh, baby I'm a
Oh, baby I'm a
Oh, baby I'm a
Oh, baby I'm a
Oh, baby I'm a
Oh, baby I'm a
Hey, hey, hey


Saturday, October 02, 2010

Made for Music

"I believe in music the way some people believe in fairy tales."-August Rush





I was made to love
I was created to give
but not to love another;
not to give to a brother, a sister, a mother, a father, a pet, a friend, a lover

whatever I am
is meant for the page
is meant for the stage
is meant for the swirls of paint at midnight
is meant for the final cut
is meant for the adrenaline rush
is meant for the notes in the melodies
is meant for the world's archives of human might

the thoughts in my mind
and the heart of my blood
isn't mine to dwell in
it's a tool to make use of

for everything inside this body
every mask and identity
it's not meant for me

I spread myself into the biosphere
I open me for the unknowns
the children of the womb I have
are writings, paintings, plays, songs

were you to take away creation
you'd take away me
I was made to love
to put love into everything and give it all away

oh World! oh Humanity!
take it,

I give all of myself to you gladly, I marry destiny

I am made to love
I'm not meant to leave anything for me

Sunday, August 29, 2010


After a lifetime of wondering and searching I believe I have come across, or rather internally realized, the secret of happiness.

In the complexity which is life, it appears happiness is simple at it's core.

I think I know what would make me deeply and richly happy, finally.
This doesn't fully cover it, but a random spurt at an early morning hour:

"To be with my love, committed, pure, eternal and true. To have my love be fulfilled in every way my love wants. To share our journey of life together. To live as one whilst simultaneously existing as individuals with our own individual existences.
To be surrounded by wild, untamed Nature. To be close to water. To have as little maintenance
stresses as possible, to be one with the universe and earth thru holistic living. To live modestly, simply, quietly, yet artfully.
To have just enough to keep the mind, body and heart nourished, but not in excess and not to become a slave of money
in order to fulfill materialistic needs. To have the freedom and resources to create whatever art, music, or other creations
of the soul and spirit at whatever time they come to the mind. To be surrounded by good, intelligent, stimulating individuals
in an environment that fosters creative and spiritual growth. To have equal amounts of solitude and interaction with good company.
To one day have spawn warriors born of these same values and truths and to foster them as pure individuals free to explore their own
paths in life. To be surrounded by animals. To keep the mind young and fresh with constant intellectual challenge. To keep learning
no matter at what age. To keep writing books of value and creating creations which are unedited and true
to the purpose within the self. To be open to all people and all which comes from life, embrace opportunities when they appear,
but to not be motivated by the ego. To not seek fame, money, recognition, power or artificiality, but be open-minded towards their manifestation.
To have time for internal self-realization alone time for spiritual growth every day. To keep the body alive and moving and be in a perpetual
state of health. To eat food of the earth and grow food from the earth. To not be concerned with perceptions, judgements, classifications, labels,
statuses or other categories of categorization that civilization likes to imprint upon the free human mind. To live peacefully, calmly, with as little
drama as possible. To dance. To laugh. To enjoy tiny moments of pleasure and grand moments of awe. To always keep an open mind and heart
no matter what one has seen, heard, done or experienced. To never become so jaded or cynical as to not appreciate the unique wonder of each sunset
and sunrise and see uniqueness in all wonders. To eradicate negative thoughts towards the self and towards others from the mind. To not ever allow oneself to become weighed down with the bothersome pety nuisances of life. To not be in a state of fear, paranoia, anger, sadness or doubt due to the self-knowledge that one is at all times true to oneself. To trust in the universe at all times and ride the wave of time and fatum.

To stay open. To share. To give. To grow. To love."


Absent of doubt, fear, worry, sadness, confusion, loss
is the place of pure awareness in the infinite certainty of the universe
that all will go as it is designed to go
that all paths you walk are meant for you and only you

absent of self-doubt
is the being who gives up the self
to the source of more than the self,
and in doing so is free
limitless in power
free of limit

You are more than what you think
You are more than what you imagine
You are capable of all the mysteries of all the greats preceding you
You are nothing
You are everything

You will never get to this truth
until You delete , "you"

and Become


trust only that which you cannot see
trust only

the ultraviolet tattoo

the mark underneath the obvious truth

do not be led by false evangelists
they are unknowingly and foolishly led by their own egos

do not be led by your own self
you are led by your doubts and illusions

be led by only that which you cannot define


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Another one on the totem pole

Another delusioned being (of the alarmingly many) attempting to save the masses.

1.67 billion people have bought into it, despite all the "anti-scientology" protests.

There is a war actively going on. And it's not in Iraq. ;0

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Love and Loss

"Music is the voice that says the human race is greater than it knows..."-Napoleon Bonaparte

वे ऋ तस Ve Ri Tas

Friday, August 20, 2010

shallow depth

"love built on beauty, soon as beauty does, dies."

is fame the same as beauty?

be careful what you wish for.......

I'm...........................................I don't know.
looking for something to believe in.

when you get what you've wanted and find out it's not what you thought...

then what?

you keep going right? well there's nothing left for me, I have to keep going. I've nothing else to live for.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mad Men

Mad Men: this show was created for one reason and one reason alone: to brainwash the populace into forgetting that advertising is what fucked America up in the first place. Yes, let's put a bunch of flashy characters together, create sympathy, make it very costumey, sexual, entertaining and suspenseful, pretend there is "no corporate conspiracy" and make everyone who took a part in smoking ads seem like they were innocent and random. And boy are people buying this shit up. One of the most popular shows of the recent years. and guess what else? Since Mad Men has come out, the masses are convinced that free market capitalism actually exists. No dumbasses, it's authoritarian capitalism that is going on-your free will has been robbed. To fellow seekers who wonder why I peruse these shows, it is like tapping into the global network of what direction the elitists want the masses to head towards. The majority of those messages Are going into Television. You can't ignore that it's present. You have to know just what is going on and what type of mentality the majority sheep are in to figure out a way to de-classify and de-program them. Aside from that below-the-iceberg truth, I do salute the suave. Very classy. Fuck Hitler, that was elementary. What's going on these days is Japanese. Smile to your face, stab you in the back. Create false illusion everywhere, propogate it as truth, allow "debate" to occur on the topics (to convince people they have free choices lolololol) and instead of mass genocide with physical death, kill people from the inside out. Well done Rothschilds, well done ;0

>on the same tv wavelength, reason why LOST was created? well, look at the ending.
to propogate, quite vaguely and poorly, the myth of "heaven".

-a bit more on the breakdown of Mad Men

>Joan Holloway:

create a visually stunning female heroine that has the swagger of a man, hips of Mata Hari, re-encarnate Marilyn Monroe/J.Lo/16th century Archetype, (because of course lately women have grown lower in self esteem, and are now excusing being FAT and OBESE as being "curvy", so of course they are looking for shows like this which have a female form that emphasizes curviness. Point is though, this character actually Is curvy, meaning Fit, Healthy, with Curves, but NOT fat. But it's letting women let themselves go because it's "in" to be bigger again. Until some new show comes along making Kate Moss types popular again. L.M.A.O. On again off again.) promoting both feminism and yet still always keep her character Just Enough In Line so that she's always just a step short of wonder woman. So that women will relate, aspire to be her, and follow every movement-meaning...Fight and kiss ass....just as long as you still Bow to da mens. And guess what fashions have increased in sales since Mad Men? Yep. The Holloway wardrobe. Jezus.
-Women want to be her, Men want to fuck her. (basis of creating any female bombshell.)

>Don Draper:

excuse every man for being a rat in the race race, and make it all seem very glamorous, acceptable and most dangerous: Inevitable. Tie his character into the James Dean/Clint Eastwood/Badass/Don Juan Archetype and let every man who watches it relate, seek to emulate the same characteristics in his life. The man who has it all...yet, just like the Joan Holloway character, still a step short always and has his balls nailed to a wall. Let every man think that he's "winning" by being a Willing member of a system.
-Men want to be him. Women want to marry him. (basis of creating any male stud.)

These are the main two brain-fucks going around, but the whole cast is a plethora of sheep-people the populace has been throughout the years mutated into. and this show stamps not only a big fat Approval on this servitude, but feeds it back to the masses covered with a pink bow.

It's like how Americans didn't get that Sacha Baren Cohen with BORAT was taking the piss out of America and Americans with that brilliant masterpiece, they laugh at Him, instead of themselves.

And the same shit continues Over, and Over again.

How are people this blind? It's bad. Really bad. Watching this show, soaking in it, and letting the wheels turn in analysis is another one of the many confirmations of just how bad.