I feel like everybody wants something From me. Something Of me. And nobody wants...Me.
Not even talking professionally here. Professionally, I'm a Product. That's my industry. I chose it.
Personally, it's like I'm some candy in a window shop to people. No fuckers. You can't have it. You want the tangy sweetness but you don't see or care about what's underneath. You come on too strong,
You think that because I'm nice to you that means I'm "YOURS"? Like I'm a piece of meat? Some fucking trophy for you to show off to your friends? The fucked up thing is that you actually believe that because we hung out, that just automatically means I'm your "girlfriend"??? mother fucker. My heart is so fucking caged it would take a million tigers to claw it free. I'm not here for YOU. I'm not your fuckin' savior, I'm not your "the one". I'm just tryin' to make my goal real. I'm puttin' all I have into this. Here you are trying to suck the living juices out of me like I'm your fuckin' superman. I'm NOT your superman. Can't you get that? CAN'T YOU FUCKERS JUST LEAVE ME ALONE.
Back off.
And to the ONE of you, that PRETENDED to fuckin' care, for 5 damn years, in the grand words of Avril Lavigne:
"All this time you've been pretending.
Good Night all.
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