Some knew me as Half-Bengali Half-Russian model Liliana Alam. Others knew me as multi-talent genius TheAnomalyInfinite.Others as silly Lili.I've done many things and known many lives,all irrelevant.What am I really?That's an answer best left to time.Because "What are you when you devote yourself completely to an ideal?....You become something else entirely.... And what is that?
ME-1st Slideshow and MY ARTWORKS-2cd/bottom Slideshow
just wish I didn't feel that there was something I missed
take back all the things I said to make you feel like this
and i
just to have somewhere
to go to
give it all
to have someone
this is my
these are my -palm trees
this is me
this is all i need
and i................
just wish I didn't feel that there was something I missed
take back all the things I said to make you feel like this
just wish I didn't feel that there was something I missed just wish I didn't feel that there was something I missed just wish I didn't feel that there was something I missed just wish I didn't feel that there was something I missed just wish I didn't feel that there was something I missed
Awsum quotes from GATTACA-one of the greatest films EVER!!!!
"we have to get drunk immediately". -Jude Law/Jerome Morrow
"For someone who wasn't meant for this world, I must confess I'm having a hard time leaving it. They say every atom in our bodies was once part of a star. maybe I'm not leaving. maybe I'm going home." -Ethan Hawke/Jerome Morrow/Vincent
and then.... (in my opinion, one of the most raw, beautiful love scenes there ever was in a modern movie.)
" (while Giuseppe catches her as she tries to run away meanwhile yelling insults at him, pulls her to the ground, rips off her clothes, pins her down as she claws at him unsuccessfully trying to escape.)
Madonna/Amber: Get Off You Pervert! Get OFF!
Why should I pay for all of life's injustices?
You're Obsessed!
Giuseppe/Peppe: (Angrily)
Obsessed with Justice
You Maniac! You Sex Fiend! Pervert, Get off! What are you doing?! (Peppe grabs her arm and crushes it down into the sand.)
I'm going to destroy you and make you feel what a real man is like.
(rips down her panties)
You have never known a real man.
(kisses her on the mouth)
I hate you, but I like you.
And you know it.
Come on, say it.
Admit it, come on.
(Amber is struggling and writhing about trying to get away from him and slaps him the entire time she's pinned down)
Say it. Confess your burning desire. Come on. Come on.
(Squeezes her arm harder. Amber slightly moans/gives up.)
Are you saying yes?
Are you saying Yes?
(Amber weakens her body, releases her hold.)
Yes. I'm saying yes.
(Peppe is on top of her, she is pinned to the sand. Almost naked.)
Well, it's No.
Because I'm saying no!
(gets up quickly and almost spits/forces his face into hers)
You must fall in love!
Head over heels in love!
You're already my slave.
I want you as my love slave.
You'll crawl and beg for mercy.
Your loins will burn with desire.
With crazy passion, like a sickness!
I'll get under your skin. Into your head.
Your heart.
Your belly.
I'm going to be your God!
Is that clear?
(Amber meanwhile is half-crying, half-moaning)
You don't know yet who Giuseppe Esposito is!
(Peppe, up, walks off rapidly in anger, kicking the sand as he walks. Amber is sprawled on the sand, head in her hands, sobbing)
"Takin' Back My Love" -Enrique Iglesias feat. Ciara: Lyrics
Enrique: Go ahead just leave, can't hold you, you're free You take all these things, if they mean so much to you I gave you your dreams, 'cause you meant the world So did I deserve to be left here hurt You think I don't know you're out of control I ended up finding all of this from my boys Girl, you're stone cold, you say it ain't so, You already know I'm not attached to material
I'd give it all up but I'm takin' back my love I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love I've given you too much but I'm takin' back my love I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love, my love My love..
Ciara: Yeah What did I do but give love to you I'm just confused as I stand here and look at you From head to feet, all that's not me Go 'head, keep the keys, that's not what I need from you You think that you know (I do), you've made yourself cold (Oh yeah) How could you believe them over me, I'm your girl You're out of control (So what?), how could you let go (Oh yeah) Don't you know I'm not attached to material
Both: I'd give it all up but I'm takin' back my love I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love I've given you too much but I'm takin' back my love I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love, my love
I'd give it all up but I'm takin' back my love I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love I've given you too much but I'm takin' back my love I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love, my love
Enrique: So all this love I give you, take it away, (Unh, uh huh) Ciara: You think material's the reason I came, (Unh, uh huh) Enrique: If I had nothing would you want me to stay (Unh, uh huh) Ciara: You keep your money, take it all away
I'd give it all up but I'm takin' back my love I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love I've given you too much but I'm takin' back my love I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love
I'd give it all up but I'm takin' back my love I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love I've given you too much but I'm takin' back my love I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love
I'd give it all up but I'm takin' back my love I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love I've given you too much but I'm takin' back my love I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love, my love
Ooh, my love Ooh, my love
"Don't play games with the ones who love you. Because I'll say it here, Boy,: I Love You, I'll Kill You.
Yes. I Love You. I'll Kill You...
But I Love You FOREVER."
"I Love You, I'll Kill You"/Principles of Lust/Enigma
Just got off a soul-fulfilling phone conversation. Bless this modern age where the people you love are only a phone call away. Remember 100 years ago? That could not happen. My wonderful, wise father said something truly beautiful to me. He said, if you have a few minutes Kiska, every day before bed, think in your mind, give out a prayer, for everything you are grateful for. We must always be grateful for everything, for every minute of life. Regardless if it is the highest happiest euphoria or the deepest, darkest pain. It is a gift to be alive. It is a joy to be living.
Peace and Love to everyone. And my eternal grattitude to my Parents, my Family, Helms, my Friends, and all the amazing people who have been in my life, helped me so much, done so much, and enriched it beyond measure.
You have given me a life of magic. Together, we live a fairy tale.
Regardless of where we go from this point on, whether our paths are as one, or parallely opposite, I cherish the enlightenment and Love which you have given. It has made me who I am today. Without it, without YOU, I would not be here, and I would not be me.
You say I am your Princess. You quothe that I am your Queen.
That I am the Moon, The Sun, and all which lies between. You say you see me in every River. That the rain is Mine, and Me. That there is no rise nor sunset unless you are beside me.
Yet love, where are you now? When the earth revolves around me in light speed. When everything is shaking, and I could use the plateau of sanity.
Where were you when I fought the dragons? Where are you whilst I battle the moats? Henceforth your "Queen" you underestimated, I am King, Alexander, I Rule.
Oh Love, I gave you all of it. All the magic they all want. You had it all inside and around you. Protecting your innocent heart.
As deeply as you understood it, Just what gift I bestowed upon you, All the saving we did of each other, My've killed it now.
Where are you in these hours? Must I only see you in my dreams? You break my heart quite daily, And contradictively state I am your saving grace.
Is this how you treat your martyrs? Is this how you love your Love?
You've bashed me up and spit me out. No, I will never let you in again. You haven't even had the courage to, face my eyes in your sin. Go! Go travel the mountains. Fine, go and bring me that blue rose. None of it will matter. You've deserted me when I needed you most.
I thought you were my Universe. I thought we were the Truth. Now the mirror has erased her illusions. And I see now, the true you.
You've bashed me up and spit me out. This who you called your "Queen". This "Queen" departs from your boyishness.
I feel like everybody wants something From me. Something Of me. And nobody wants...Me.
Not even talking professionally here. Professionally, I'm a Product. That's my industry. I chose it.
Personally, it's like I'm some candy in a window shop to people. No fuckers. You can't have it. You want the tangy sweetness but you don't see or care about what's underneath. You come on too strong,
You think that because I'm nice to you that means I'm "YOURS"? Like I'm a piece of meat? Some fucking trophy for you to show off to your friends? The fucked up thing is that you actually believe that because we hung out, that just automatically means I'm your "girlfriend"??? mother fucker. My heart is so fucking caged it would take a million tigers to claw it free. I'm not here for YOU. I'm not your fuckin' savior, I'm not your "the one". I'm just tryin' to make my goal real. I'm puttin' all I have into this. Here you are trying to suck the living juices out of me like I'm your fuckin' superman. I'm NOT your superman. Can't you get that? CAN'T YOU FUCKERS JUST LEAVE ME ALONE.
Back off.
And to the ONE of you, that PRETENDED to fuckin' care, for 5 damn years, in the grand words of Avril Lavigne: