It's not a moment in time
it's Time's Moment
you remember it all
because it's Golden
that spark of magic you felt
aint no illusion
the precious presence of life
in something simple
the den's dawn and its dusk
kinda chocolatey red brown
your eyes are open and closed
your mind's dancin on clouds
you find the peace that lifts you up
you gotta pull it thru you
let it seep thru your gut
push your soul into you
a few seconds you had
a million moonsets ago
that sweet nostalgia's enough
to electrify the future
don't let it all go
tell yourself that it's past
in the same dimension as now
you're still in that moment!
shoelaces untie when they're dirty
but the mud that soaked thru
is proof you've run thru it
don't let go, don't let it up
the time was then
the time is now
the time's the future
don't forget that The Moment's Golden